eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials) eCM Open Access Scientific Journal
 ISSN:1473-2262         NLM:100973416 (link)         DOI:10.22203/eCM

2019   Volume No 38 – pages 201-214

Title: Adhesion, integration and osteogenesis of human dental pulp stem cells on biomimetic implant surfaces combined with plasma derived products

Authors: I Irastorza, J Luzuriaga, R Martinez-Conde, G Ibarretxe, F Unda

Address: Cell Biology and Histology Department. Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Leioa, 48940, Bizkaia, Spain.

E-mail: fernandoundarodriguez at

Abstract: Dental implants are the usual therapy of choice in the dental clinic to replace a loss of natural teeth. Over recent decades there has been an important progress in the design and manufacturing of titanium implant surfaces with the goal of improving their osteointegration. In the present work, the aim was to evaluate the usefulness of hDPSCs (human dental pulp stem cells), in combination with autologous plasma components, for in vitro bone generation on biomimetic titanium dental implant materials. In this context, the combination of hDPSCs stimulated by PRGF or PRF and cultured on standard Ti6A14V and biomimetic BAS™ (Avinent Implant System) titanium surfaces were studied in order to evaluate possible enhancements in the osteoblastic differentiation process out of human mesenchymal cells, as well as bone matrix secretion on the implant surface. The results obtained in this in vitro model of osteogenesis suggested a combination of biomimetic rough titanium surfaces, such as BAS™, with autologous plasma-derived fibrin-clot membranes such as PRF and/or insoluble PRGF formulations, but not with an addition of water-soluble supplements of plasma-derived growth factors, to maximise osteoblastic cell differentiation, bone generation, anchorage and osteointegration of titanium-made dental implants.

Key Words: Dental pulp stem cells, titanium implants, osteoblast differentiation, platelet rich in growth factors, platelet rich fibrin, biomimetic advanced surface.

Publication date: November 4th 2019

Article download: Pages 201-214 (PDF file)

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